Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We finger-print painted cherry trees today in honor of spring. I had a conversation with myself before hand and we agreed (myself and I?) that I was prepared to accept whatever the kids decided to do with their finger-print painting experience...it's hard to let go of that sometimes, isn't it?

Big Bird chose to make several individual cherry blossoms on the branches that I had drawn for him. Baby Bird chose a different path and turned it into a full body experience. She started by painting her hands and then moved up to her head! Good thing I had that conversation with myself before we started ;)

Afterwards we decided that a picnic was in order to complete our celebration of spring.

I also managed to get these finished while the kids were happy entertaining themselves. They are for my soon-to-be nephew (or niece, but Big Bird already has 8 girl cousins and 1 sister, so we're rooting for a boy!).

I have been enjoying working on small, quick gratification, sewing projects. Sewing a straight line is pretty much where my sewing skills end. Projects like these bibs and the chickens from a few posts ago are helping to teach me new skills, and boost my sewing ego:) If you have suggestions for quick, fairly straight forward sewing projects, send them my way!

1 comment:

Derek said...

I'll see what I can do. No promises. :)