Monday, April 7, 2008

Good morning :)

I had a very satisfying thrift store adventure this weekend - I found a sweet tea set for the kids (part of which is pictured above), some fabric that will work well for a doll I'm thinking about making, and this hand-embroidered piece of linen that I plan to turn into something else for Baby Bird.

I'm pretty sure I was glowing when I left the shop, coveting my treasures.

I also spent some time this weekend putting together our dress-up trunk (the whole reason I went to the thrift store was to find some additional items for the dress-up stash...obviously I got side-tracked)! We have a ton of items strewn about the house that could be used for dress-up, but rarely get noticed. I was hoping that if we put them all in one place the kids might find them more enticing. Turns out I was right- No sooner had I placed all the hats, scarves, handbags, and costumes in the trunk when both kids started investigating. Big Bird was soon parading around as "Strong Guy" and Baby Bird was wearing a scarf as a toga, complete with a belt and a swimming mask :) Big Bird continued to role play until well after dinner time. I couldn't have been happier watching them deeply engrossed in their pretending.

Enjoy your Monday everyone!


gita said...

Oh yeah, and copying the spring blossom craft too when the snow melts.....I'm so impressed by your activities! I feel like a loser, but it's also lighting a fire under my ass, that is, inspiring me. Baby Bird isn't reading yet, is she? ;) 'Cause I'm swearing online. Bad me.

Robyn - said...

Your avatar (avitar?) is HILARIOUS! Possibly only because I know where that chicken came from ;)
Glad to hear there's a fire lit under that a*s of yours....