Wednesday, April 9, 2008


My name is Robyn, and my son is an addict. He is completely, totally, and utterly addicted to dinosaurs. Big ones, small ones, long ones, short ones, and especially, baby ones.

I can only blame myself I suppose. Well, myself, and of course Nigel Marvin and the BBC. Damned Chased by Dinosaurs. While I'm at it, I think I'll blame Netflix too.

Does it disturb anyone else that at not-quite 4 years old, Big Bird can pronounce words like Stenonychosaurus and Parasaurolophus ? Most adults I know can't even pronounce them. Including me.

I have been listening to dinosaur-talk for almost a month now. 14 hours a day, non-stop. He eats, sleeps, and breathes dinosaurs. And I'm about to lose my mind. Completely.

If you've ever known an almost-4-year old, you know just how much they talk. This boy can tie the topic of dinosaurs into just about anything that might come up during the day. Even, and this is probably more than any of you wanted to know..... the potty. I am not kidding. And you'll thank me for sparing you the details.

Just when I think we're in the clear, and that just maybe we've managed to move on to another topic - such as what we should eat for snack.....

"mama, the parasaurolophus likes to eat apples too. did you know that? did you mama? did you know that? mama? he uses his big teeth to crunch them up! did you know that mama? did you? mama?"

Save me. Please.


lulubelle said...

I laugh only because Grace chatters NON STOP as loud as she possibly can. I love her dearly...but there are times when I'd like to duct tape her mouth.

Ok, positive thoughts: Perhaps he'll become a wildly Director. The Dino thing sort of worked out real well for one guy :)

Robyn - said...

Jurassic Park, hmmm? He'll certainly end up doing something involving imagination, that's for darn sure! He hunts dinosaurs from dusk till dawn, everywhere we go, including the grocery store. The other day he found an "octocone" (i don't even know what that is!) in the dairy aisle.

gita said...

Ok, as frightened as I now am, I think we'll have to check out "Chased by Dinosaurs". I personally want to know how he works dinosaurs into the potty equation. Only Big Bird! ;) It will keep me up at night wondering.....