Thursday, April 10, 2008

We've been having fun lately writing stories in Big Birds "special book". This book started out as his Nature journal, but has evolved into something more general over time. It is a great reflection of the things that interest him at any given moment.

The kids recieve Ladybug magazine, a gift from my parents. After each issue has been loved to pieces (literally), I hide them away in the craft closet, to be resurrected at a later date. One use we've discovered for the back issues is to cut out many of the beautiful illustrations, which we then use as inspiration for our stories.

Big Bird dictates and I write. Occasionally I ask questions to get the process moving along, but once he started to understand that really, anything goes....Big Bird was off and running!

Recently, Baby Bird has caught on to the fun, and solved the age-old homeschooling dilemma of "what do you do with your toddler when you are working on a project with the older child?" Yesterday she disappeared for a few minutes while Big Bird and I were working on his latest story. She returned with this book (an empty sketch book) and sat back down at the table. I wasn't quite sure where she was headed, and so just watched while she did her thing. She chose a picture from the pile of cut out illustrations, and then asked for the glue. With my help she glued it into what was now obviously HER special book, and then set to 'writing' her story on the page above it. Problem solved. Now we can all work on our stories together :)

Have I mentioned how much I love homeschooling?!

1 comment:

gita said...

I can't believe Baby Bird didn't color the page w/her picture. That if freakin' hilarious. She is 'just so'. Damn, I miss her! Oh, BTW, I'm copying! ;)