Monday, May 12, 2008

Daddy doesn't often get the opportunity to "do art" with the kids (something I suspect he may secretly be ok with!). On Sunday I set them up for this activity from Preschool Art, by MaryAnn Kohl. The glue and squeeze bottles came, as usual, from here.

First, a little design with the glue.

Next, sprinkle some sand on top...

er.....and a little more sand.....

... and then shake off the excess. Both kids enjoyed this, although I will say Baby Bird got a much bigger thrill out of it. She was ready to keep going after completing several pictures. The designs are dry now, laying on our kitchen table. Every time the kids pass by, they stop to run their fingers over the sand squiggles; they seem to be enjoying the texture.

This activity would be fun with coloured sand too. You wouldn't necessarily need a backyard sandbox to make it work either. A large, shallow container from your local dollar store would do the job just as well.

Happy Monday! Have fun :)


Bright Ring, art book author MaryAnn Kohl said...

Nothing makes me happier than families doing art together!!!

I have free ideas at my website, if you want some new art ideas...?!?!

Thanks for your wonderful photos and blog.

From, MaryAnn Kohl, author

Robyn - said...

Thanks for the website info, MaryAnn.....I will definitely spend some time there this morning :) We're always looking for new ideas! Your books are always such a huge inspiration to us.