Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome to the family, little guy. Knitting with size 2 needles almost killed me (if you knit, you know what I mean)....but it was worth having to start over 3 times to see the joy and rapture on Big Birds face this morning. Apparently they are old friends...

"Snaily!! It's soooo good to see you!"

I let him (Big Bird, that is, not the snail) browse through the webshop at MochiMochi Land last night, he picked out this for my next project. I feel a new addiction coming on....her toys are just so appealing!

We had a pretty quiet weekend with most of us feeling a bit under the weather. We did make a point of enjoying our new backyard space though.

I can't tell you how thrilled I am that going outside to play no longer has to involve wrangling the kids into the car and driving to a park somewhere! Don't get me wrong....going to the park is still a wonderful thing and will continue to be part of our weekly adventures. But I am SO looking forward to some spring time fun just outside our our pajamas if we feel so inclined ;)

I think we're going to give this another try later today. I'll let you know how it goes.

Enjoy your Monday everyone!

1 comment:

gita said...

We just did one of these too('cause you and I are psychic, of course ;))! Ours is diamond shaped w/contact paper on both sides and they're hanging in the window by a string. Little Man just went nuts ripping up paper!